
It is a very impressive technology. Since the tool, a thermal imager, works by producing thermal (heat) pictures. Collecting thermal images is a good first step in analyzing suspected problem areas. Surface temperatures can tell us a lot about a building’s structural elements, plumbing, air conditioning, heater installations, electrical systems, air filtration, etc. When we measure surface temperature, we are actually reading the infrared energy emitted by the object.

The following photos show some examples, using infrared images during surveysit was possible to find weak points regarding thermal insulation and energy loses.

Photo 1 – A bedroom´s internal view, in this image isn´t possible to see heat losses (it was on winter season), but going to the following infrared images.

Photos 2 & 3, they show bottom and upper part of the window. thermal breaks appear on top (concrete lintel) and bottom part (sill´s area) of it. Also it is possible see a concrete pillar in the left corner and the area where the ceiling joints the external wall.

Photos 4 & 5 - Exterior view of previous bedroom. It is possible to see the heat loses through the wooden and single glazed windows, also there are loses through the thermal bridge roof-external wall as seen in Photo 3.

Photos 6 & 7 - Air filtration in this bedroom was discovered through the socket thanks infrared images. In the same way some lack of thermal insulation in the radiator recess. The infrared image shows the areas in a dark blue colour.

In the Building Survey done in this property (Photos 8 to 11) the gas heating boiler was in an exterior little room, the pipe with hot water to feed radiators inside the house crossed a courtyard. Inspecting the area with the infrared camera it was possible to discover the pipe, it was fitted into the wall without any thermal protection.

Photos 8 & 9 – Heating pipe runs inside the wall close to the window, the wall below it shows 7.2ºc degrees.

Photos 10 & 11 – Wall´s temperature where the pipe is located shows 39.2ºC degrees. After a check point was done it was possible to discover the hot water pipe without ant thermal protection.

Photos 12 & 13 – A leak on the hot pipe produced the damp the Photo 12 shows, in the infrared image we can see the hot water pipe.

Photo 14 & 15 – The condition and layout of pipes for hot water in this bathroom were inspected through infrared images, we can see them.

Photo 16 & 17 – The infrared image shows the hot water pipe losing heat in the way to the house´s radiators. The boiler has to over work consuming extra gas and shortening its useful life.

Photos 18 & 19 – A hot water pipe runs below the ceramic tile in this kirche. It doesný have any thermal thermal protection losing heat.

Photo 20 – A country house with two numbered roofs

Photos 21 & 22 - The infrared images show the lack of thermal insulation in both roofs. The house loses heat through them spending extra money in gas-oil for its boiler and it over work shortening its useful life. Roof 1 in yellow colour behind the scaffold shows the heat loses, similar situation for roof 2. Check points were done confirming the infrared images.