Service Detail
Legal property inspection reports in relation with building negligence and house´s damages are prepared for litigation purposes and normally take more time due to the number of documents that need to be analysed (projects, licences, occasionally laboratory’s proof are required, meetings with property owners, solicitors, builders, technicians, etc).
The professional fees paid by the client for the issuing of the expert report covers a series of tasks undertaken to realise said issuance, and other tasks that are usually undertaken months or years after completion and handover, a delay owing in great part to the slowness with which judicial activities usually develop.
Generally, this extra work consists on other report´s analysis, reports elaborated by technicians of other parts implicated in the procedure and from the Judicial Expert if there are any. This task includes the presentation of a summary with commentaries and any other technician's information, duly analysed, with the final object of offer the best and most complete advice possible from a technical point of view and collaborating as far as possible with the lawyer who is in charge of the juridical case. In few words, the work as party expert through the Certified Legal Report doesn´t end after delivered it to the client or his/her solicitor.
Dispute Resolution: I have the experience to provide this kind of service to clients and solicitors when problems arise during the execution of projects/works or after those were finished. I have the knowledge to assist whether the issues are technical, economic, contracts, in order to help to resolve problems avoiding costly legal disputes. My advise to you is: be extremely careful and do not fall into the trap of cutting corners on initial survey costs. The legal process in Spain is long, arduous and usually very expensive. Some Testimonials belong to clients that had pass for this experience.