Service Detail
The property valuation reports provide a true opinion of market value, by comparing the property with known sale and asking prices of similar properties in the locality. It is taking into account the strength of the market, any special features and the condition of the subject property and the comparable.
It will take into account the critical issues listed in the report which have a negative impact on the value of the property that are not always considered in the sale price.
The Property Valuation Report is out of the scope of the Building Survey.
NOTE: the property valuation service offered is NOT an appraisal regulated by an approved body, used, for example, for the application of a bank loan.
Generally this Property Valuation´s Service (endorsed by the College of Architects) is provided in claims and lawsuits, in divorces, inheritances and similar issues that take place outside Spain, or simply the client wishes to have an idea of the value of the property without needing an official appraisal.