If a difference among the measured area, Nota Simple (title deed extract) and the Cadastral has been found, these could be an indication that parts of the accommodation are not officially licensed, which could cause difficulties at the time to sell the property in the future.
I recommend sellers to consult their solicitors in order to register any additional accommodation before putting the property on the sale´s market, knowing the costs of obtaining the necessary permission if it is possible to get it.
You as the seller, must have the description corrected, it will help the sale. Why?
In the event of a buyer requiring a mortgage, the Spanish bank valuer is obliged to value on building registered areas and this can cause difficulties for a buyer requiring a maximum mortgage on the property, sometimes reducing the market value of your property.
There is a regulation that came into force on the 25th October 2015 (1) concerning the intention that all property titles will become identical to the Catastral entry and plan.
To get the full coordinates a topographical survey must be necessary for all those properties that show differences among the Cadastral, Nota Simple and measured areas.
FREE analysis to check if your property is topographically co-ordinated.
Feel free to contact me with your questions, sending an email to surveyandalucia@gmail.com or a Whatsapp at (34) 686 846 624.
(1) Pursuant to the provisions of the Joint Resolutions of the General Directorate of Cadastre and the General Directorate of Registries and Notaries of October 25, 2015. regulating the technical requirements for compliance with the obligations of information provision by Notaries established in the Revised Text of the Cadastre Law. («BOE» no. 260, of October 30, 2015, pages 102572 to 102584) and which regulates the technical requirements for the exchange of information between Cadastre and Land Registries (BOE» no. 260, of October 30, 2015, pages 102644 to 102658), following the specified methodology.