Currently contractors are competent, honest and hardworking, however, contractors are in business to make money.
A responsible and informed consumer knows that the “buyers beware principle” can help prevent or minimize frustration or disappointment when preparing to make a mayor purchase decision.
By carefully considering what you want to have done to your property, what it will realistic take to do the work, and what kind of professional should be brought in to do the work, you may avoid many of the headaches often associated with remodelling.
Almost everyone knows someone who has a nightmare story to tell about your remodelling job, the length of time it took, the inconvenience of the noise, dust and absence of such essentials as plumbing, electricity, heat, air conditioning, lack of privacy during the job or the cost overruns associated with a remodelling job.
These are common complaints that can be heard in virtually any conversation with a homeowner who has had to live through what they described as “the trauma” or even the smallest remodelling work.
Then: What do you want done?
Plan carefully what you want done, what you want it to look like when finished and how much you have to spend.
Thoughtful carefully preparing plans, list of works with measurements including materials or equipment characteristics will be helpful in accurate bids from contractors.
You may wish to seek the advice of an architect.
Remember that in general if something you want is not shown on plans or in the list of works to be budget, you won´t get it.
Disclaimer: Daniel González Aranda through Survey Andalucía, assumes no responsibility for any damage that arises from any action that is based on these articles.
Questions regarding civil law, insurances policies should be addressed to a solicitor.
For a free consultation regarding technical questions or any other matter in relation with the published articles you can call at 686 846 624 or e-mail to surveyandalucia@gmail.com