One of the best way to select a contractor is to seek out personal recommendations from friends or relatives who recently had work of the type you want completed by a qualified contractor.
Ask the contractor for local references and call them to see if they were satisfied with the contractor´s work. A skilled contractor will be proud to take credit for their work.
If possible go out and look at finished projects.
Some consumers even try to find jobs in progress to see how the contractor works and to speak with the homeowner about works habits, inconveniences and the sensitivity of the contractor to the living needs of the home owner.
Remember, the person you hire to work in your home will be a part of your home until the job is completed.
When speak to the contractor´s customers, ask such questions as:
.- did the contractor keep to the schedule and the contract terms?
.- were you pleased with the work and the way it was done?
.- did the contractor willingly make any necessary corrections?
Ask the contractor for the address of his/her business location, mobile and line land numbers, e-mail address and web page if he/she has any.
A contractor who operates a business out of the back of a pickup truck with a mobile phone may be difficult to find to complete a job or fix something that has gone wrong after the last bill is paid.
Take the time and effort to make sure that the person or business doing your home improvement is going to perform in a professional manner.
Disclaimer: Daniel González Aranda through Survey Andalucía, assumes no responsibility for any damage that arises from any action that is based on these articles.
Questions regarding civil law, insurances policies should be addressed to a solicitor.
For a free consultation regarding technical questions or any other matter in relation with the published articles you can call at 686 846 624 or e-mail to surveyandalucia@gmail.com